3D Printing files are here
Nov 20, 2021

After a long back and forth, optimizing and rearranging, we can finally release ready to print 3D models for you to download!
You can download the printable obj file under the tab “My Kongz” on our website! ust select your desired Kong, choose the file “ID_for_3d_print.zip” and verify your ownership to get access to the downloadable assets.

The zip contains the obj mesh, a png file for the textures and a mtl file for the material properties. For most 3D printing services, it is important to have all three files in a single zip!
There are many 3D printing services out there that allow you to print models in full color. Maybe you have one nearby that you are familiar with and that can print in a great resolution and quality.
For our models, we used the online service Shapeways.com
Shapeways offers a variety of different materials and color options. Ranging from a simple grey plastic to pure gold or platinum!
In our case, we were choosing High Definition Full Color.
To get started, head over to Shapeways.com and click on “Get a Quote”

After click here, the website will lead you to the next page where you can upload your model.

Here you can either just drag and drop the .zip file you downloaded previously on the field where it says “Choose a 3D file or drag it here”, or you can click the field and browse for the file and upload it that way. After the upload is finished you can see the model in the field on the left.

You can move the model around to inspect it further and change the desired size for your print. The default size prints a figurine, roughly 10cm in height.
Select the material you want (we would recommend Matte High Definition Full Color) and add to cart.

3D printing in full color with this details is quite costly for a figurine of that size, but we can only say the end results have been amazing.

Shapeways also has a great customer support and will help promptly if you have any issues and are will send another model free of charge in case the model breaks during transport. (3D printed models can be quite fragile so make sure to not drop them)
For CyberKongz VX models that have floating parts, like Promethean Arms and Legs or Halo, we had to add support in order to make it printable. The supports might not be visible when viewing the model because they have a 0 alpha channel and thus are transparent. Shapeways is able to print translucent plastic to make these supports as unintrusive as possible.

The base the Kongz are standing on are randomly chosen from a set of 14 different styles. Another great detail is a QR code on the bottom that will directly link to the Kong on our website!

The process of 3D printing takes some time, so expect delivery times of around two weeks, depending on the material and service you are using.
We are super hyped about this and are more than excited to see more and more VXs come to life! Please make sure to share photographs of your prints on twitter and discord! We would love to share them with the whole world!
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