Oct 13, 2021

For the Kongz Tank, we are looking for the best and brightest minds with ideas on how they would integrate their projects with CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA!
Are you an entrepreneur or developer in the crypto space?
Have you always wanted to pitch your project to a room full of alpha Kongz to get funding and support for your project?
Well, now is your chance!!
From now until Monday, November 8, we are looking for applicants to submit their project idea and how they would integrate CyberKongz NFTs and/or $BANANA.
The Council of Kongz will select up to 5 project ideas a week after the deadline, or if they think your project idea is just that good, even during the proposal period.
Selected projects will receive the following:
- Grant: A grant of 10 ETH + 1,000 $BANANA.
- Marketing: The team will provide marketing support within their reach.
- Linear Unlock of Funds: Grant funds will be unlocked based on project development stages: 10% for a detailed idea, 40% with a working prototype, 50% with a working project.
The Kongz Tank is open to all, so if you or your friends are not part of our CyberKongz fam yet, don’t worry, you can still apply!
Please send all proposal ideas here: [email protected]
Here is the information to include in your propsal:
- Detailed rundown on your project/idea.
- How you want to integrate CyberKongz NFTS and/or $BANANA.
- Your art/dev skills and experience in the NFT/crypto space.
- Contact details (email, discord username, twitter, website if any, etc..).
- Deadline: Monday, November 22, 12:00am UTC.
Important: Conditions of Project
The project needs to introduce utility for one of the assets from the CyberKongz universe and/or $BANANA.
Burn mechanics may be used for the Banana Token but can’t be applied to the CyberKongz or CyberKongz VX NFTs!
Up to 5 proposals in the week after the submission deadline will be chosen and invested/supported by CyberKongz.
We are very excited to see all the creative ways the kongmunity will come up with to enhance the $BANANA ecosystem and help us create more value for the CyberKongz holders.
Join our Discord to always stay up to date and become part of our community: https://discord.com/invite/cyberkongz