In order to expand the CyberKongz Universe, the mad scientist Myoo created a cybernetic breeding process allowing 'cute as a button' Baby Kongz to be produced by breeding two Genesis Kongz. Unfortunately, the process required a ton of energy, so 600 $BANANA were required to fuel the breeding frenzy.
Breeding Completed
Total supply
In Progress
Claim VX
Each CyberKongz baby can claim a VX Kongz avatar.
2D Avatars / Sprites
2D Sprites are available to download for all Baby Kongz for use in 2D Metaverses.
ENS Subdomains
If you own a Baby Kong, you can get a kongz.eth ENS Subdomain (Ethereum Name Service)!
!OOH Governance
Part of the experimental governance system called !OOH.
Bonus in Whitelist allocations via discord raffles.
Exclusive Events & Merch
Token-Gated access to exclusive IRL Events & Merch.
Make your CyberKong yours with custom name and bio.