We are a family of 20,000 CyberKongz split into 3 distinct types of Kongz: Genesis, Baby and VX. Each with unique utilities and traits!
$BANANA sits at the core of everything in the CyberKongz universe. It is often regarded as the first real use case of NFT utility in the Metaverse. $BANANA acts as both a utility and governance token in the CyberKongz ecosystem.
Jungle Adventure is a gamified minting experience that rewards holders with rare items and NFTs using our Play & Kollect (PnK) mechanism. In the future, community members and partners can build on top of PnK where token yield and airdrops can be distributed through the same mechanism!
As a natural evolution of our growth, we`ve made some solid moves over time to kick start our journey in building sustainable ecosystem in the metaverse.
Project Partnerships
Staying true to our vision for interoperability, we have and will continue engaging in cross project partnerships with like-minded projects that are pushing this space forward!

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